Music Matters Albums
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music that matters.
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Issue 15
Issue 16
Issue 17
Issue 18
Issue 19
Issue 20
Issue 21
Issue 22
Issue 23
Issue 24
Issue 25
Issue 26
Issue 27
Issue 28
Issue 29
Issue 30

Photos by Michael Devlin
7/13/02, Hecksher Park, Huntington, NY
Music Matters Links to Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer
Tracy Grammer Takes Wing
Interview 6/13/99
Tanglewood Tree Feature Interview
Interview 6/1/01
Photos from the 7/13/02 show in Huntington, NY
Download JP Jones' The King.mp3
Rockzilla Falcon Ridge Report by Bonny Holder
Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer
Official Web Page
A Tribute
- The mind of a mathematician, the songs of a seeker, the symbols of a dreamer and the heart of a kind and gentle man. A man who met, sang and traveled with his soul-mate. In so many ways his life was in order. He had acquired the wisdom to place his feet on his own true path, one that would enable him to explore the mysteries of life with the considerable force of his being. He could not help but to make songs to capture his efforts in symbol-bearing lyrics and melodies that opened ones heart to the words. He has left us with a lifetimes worth of beauty and things to ponder, yet it feels like we have lost our guide at the very beginning of our journey.
And Tracy. She loved him in every way that we all loved himas a musician of our souls, as well as the ways in which one human being makes another whole. Less than a week before he died, I sat in a room with Dave and Tracy and a few people as Dave read Tarrot cards. Her gaze rarely wavered from him as he unraveled the symbols and meanings of the cards. You sometimes see such enchantment in the eyes of people who have been together for half a century. All the brighter and briefer she burned, the better now to see and hear the afterimage.
And yet there is comfort to be found when we find the strength to accept comfort. I look forward to when I will venture a listen to When I Go, though it is more than I can bear right now. In time, the thought of Dave finding the answers to the questions posed by the symbols that so fascinated him, will cause me delight. But for now, I wrestle with a truth I cant believe, send my love to Tracy, and grieve.