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Capo II
(G)He had a blue wing tattooed on his shoulder
(G)He said he got that blue wing out in Walla Walla
(G)They paroled Blue Wing in August of 1963
(G)Well he drank and he dreamt of visions when the salmon still ran free
(G)Hey it's dark in here; I can't see the (C)sky
(G)Well he drank his way to LA, and that's where he died
(G)He said it's dark in here; I can't see the (C)sky
Capo IV
Intro: (G)(C)(D) . . . (C)(D)(G) . . . twice
(G)Under a (C)foreign (D)sky
(G)Before the (C)western (D)sea
(G)Finding my (C)way to (D)go
(G)Under a (C)weeping (D)willow tree
Capo III
I (G)wake to the (C)radio (G)morning (D)news
And the (D)heart that's (C)breaking
(G)She was (C)once my (G)heart's de(D)light
And the (D)heart that's (C)breaking
(G)I know (C)love, I've (G)seen love's (D)face
And the (D)heart that's (C)breaking
Capo I
Once upon a (G)world long gone
Come the hunters with their (G)rifle balls
So he ran with the (G)swift and young
See him wandering the (G)hills alone
There's an endless (Em)plain
Gray Eagle left the (G)blue-eyed town
Woke walking in a (G)dream one night
There's an endless (Em)plain
Last night I heard the (G)coyote wail
In the hills be(G)fore sunrise
There's an endless (Em)plain
Capo III
(G)My love is (D)like a gypsy (G)rose
(G)His voice is (D)like a mountain (G)stream
(G)And on the (D)day that we were (G)wed
(G)So I built a (D)house to keep him (G)in
(G)My love was (D)buried in the (G)spring
(G)Now it's been (D)thirty years and (G)three
Well it might have been a blue bird, I don't (Am)know
But he'd get stone drunk and talk about Alaska
The salmon boats and (D)45 be(G)low
And his cellmate there was Little Willy (Am)John
And Willy, he was once a great blues singer
And Wing and Willy (D)wrote him up a (G)song
(G)They said it's dark in here; I can't see the (C)sky
But I (G)look at this blue wing and I close my (D)eyes
And I fly a(G)way beyond these (C)walls
Up above the (G)clouds where the rain don't (D)fall
On a poor man's (Em)dream (C)(D)
He moved north picking apples to the (Am)town of Wenatchee
Then the winter finally caught him in a run down trailer park
On the south side of Seattle where the (G)days grow gray and dark
And his fathers' fathers crossed that wide and (Am)wild old Bering Sea
And the land belonged to everyone and there were old songs yet to sing
Now it's narrowed down to a cheap hotel and a (G)tattooed prison wing
But I (G)look at this blue wing and I close my (D)eyes
And I fly a(G)way beyond these (C)walls
Up above the (G)clouds where the rain don't (D)fall
On a poor man's (Em)dream (C)(D)
And nobody knew his Christian name and there was (Am)no one there to cry
But I dreamt there was a funeral, a preacher and a cheap pine box
And halfway through the service, that blue (G)wing began to talk
But I (G)look at this blue wing and I close my (D)eyes
And I fly a(G)way beyond these (C)walls
Up above the (G)clouds where the rain don't (D)fall
On a poor man's (Em)dream(C)(D)
On a poor man's (Em)dream(C)(D)
On a poor man's (Em)dream(C)(D)(G)
TRAVIS JOHN . . . Kate Power
My (C)fate a(D)waits (G)me
There but for (C)God go (D)I
Do (C)not for(D)sake (G)me
I am a (Bm)boy, full of (C)promise (D)
Full of (Em)fre(D)e(C)dom
Now the (G)joy
Is dead and (D)done
I am (C)gone(G)
My home was (C)in the (D)val(G)ley
There with my (C)fami(D)ly
I took to (C)manhood (D)ear(G)ly
I was the (Bm)one
My brother (C)called
My mother (D)looked to me
Her (Em)fine, (D)strong (C)son
Now the (G)joy
Is dead and (D)done
I am (C)gone(G)
The call that (C)I should (D)an(G)swer
My country's (C)own he(D)ro
Like music (C)to the (D)dan(G)cer
I am a (Bm)boy, full of (C)promise (D)
Full of (Em)fre(D)e(C)dom
Now the (G)joy
Is dead and (D)done
I am (C)gone(G)
You (C)planted (D)ros(G)es
There in my (C)memo(D)ry
Where my e(C)ternal (D)ghost (G)is
I was a (Bm)boy, full of (C)promise (D)
Full of (Em)fre(D)e(C)dom
And now the (G)joy
Is dead and (D)done
I am (C)gone(G)
Now the (G)joy
Is dead and (D)done
I am (C)gone(G)
THE WAKING HOUR . . . David Francey
Just (C)as the day is (G)dawning
And I watch from the (C)window while a (G)passing (D)cloud
(C)Dulls the hopeful (G)morning
And I (D)wonder will the (C)girl I (G)love
Come back (C)with the (G)morn(D)ing
But the (G)omen (C)crow at the (G)waking (D)hour
Has (C)given me fair (G)warning
Never makes a (G)sound (Gsus4)(G)
My (C)need and my de(G)sire
She was my (C)day, she (G)was my (D)night
My (C)water and my (G)fire
And (D)I was once the (C)same to (G)her
When we still (C)walked to(G)ge(D)ther
But the (G)heavy (C)heart at the (G)waking (D)hour
Is ex(C)pecting heavy (G)weather
Never makes a (G)sound (Gsus4)(G)(Gsus4)(G)(Gsus4)(G)
And the (D)heart that's (C)breaking
Never makes a (G)sound (Gsus4)(G)
I (C)understand its (G)sorrow
For every (C)love I've (G)ever (D)had
Has (C)always met to(G)morrow
Though (D)I am Wednesday's (C)child of (G)woe
I try not to (C)be un(G)grate(D)ful
But (G)I was (C)born at (G)midnight (D)black
With a (C)heart that can be (G)hateful
Never makes a (G)sound (Gsus4)(G)(Gsus4)(G)(Gsus4)(G)
And the (D)heart that's (C)breaking
Never makes a (G)sound (Gsus4)(G)(Gsus4)(G)(Gsus4)(G)
And the (D)heart that's (C)breaking (G)(Gsus4)(G)(Gsus4)(G)(Gsus4)(G)
LORD OF THE BUFFALO . . . Dave Carter
(C)In the shelter of an (G)early dawn
They were half a (D)million strong
Made the (C)valley (G)rumble (D)
(C)He saw the fury of his (G)daddy's fall
Ran crying to his (D)mama's call
Saw her (C)break and (G)stumble (D)
(C)From the hunters and their (G)hungry guns
Ran until he was the (D)only one
On the (C)silent (G)prairie (D)
(C)Always looking for that (G)haven home
And the father of his (D)father's own
(C)And a sanctu(G)ary
(C)Beyond the curtain of the (G)pouring rain
Where the golden (D)prairie rolls forever
And the tall grass (G)grows
Bitter wind blowing (C)high and wild
Have mercy on your (G)way(G/F#)ward (Em)child
In search of an (D)age ago
And the (C)lord of the (G)buffalo (D)
(C)Climbed the mountain where he (G)once looked down
Saw the worry in the (D)furrowed ground
And the (C)heart plowed (G)under (D)
(C)Saw a vision by the (G)foxfire light
Mighty horns and a (D)coat of white
And a (C)voice like (G)thunder
(C)Beyond the curtain of the (G)pouring rain
Where the golden (D)prairie rolls forever
And the tall grass (G)grows
Bitter wind blowing (C)high and wild
Go easy, little (G)way(G/F#)ward (Em)child
There's a home for the (D)restless soul
Said the (C)lord of the (G)buffalo (D)
(C)Slipped away from the (G)white man's jail
Went runnin' down the (D)trickster trail
With the (C)moon be(G)hind me (D)
(C)Saw his silhouette a(G)gainst the sky
I'll be runnin' 'til the (D)day I die
Or the (C)hunters (G)find me
(C)Beyond the curtain of the (G)pouring rain
Where the golden (D)prairie rolls forever
And the tall grass (G)grows
Bitter wind blowing (C)high and wild
Gather up your little (G)way(G/F#)ward (Em)child
So the saint and the (D)sinner go
To the (C)lord of the (G)buffalo
So the saint and the (D)sinner go
To the (C)lord of the (G)buffalo
So the saint and the (D)sinner go
To the lord of the (C)buffalo (G)
GYPSY ROSE . . . Dave Carter
Wild is the (C)only (D)way he (G)grows
Out where the (C)sweet Ju(D)ly winds (Bm)blow
He blooms over (C)yon(D)der
Washes me (C)clear, wash(D)es me (G)clean
I walk a(C)long the (D)banks se(Bm)rene
Where he will (C)wan(D)der
(G)There is no (D)hill high as the (Em)moon
No river (C)deeper (D)than the (G)sea
No shooting (D)star, reckless in (Em)flight
Burns in the (Bm)night
Wild as the (Em)love he (D)gave to (C)me
Only the (G)rain knows where he (D)goes
(B7)Thunder and (Em)me
(D)Ramblin (C)with my (D)gypsy (G)rose
Up to the (C)altar (D)he was (G)led
Lay like a (C)prisoner (D)in my (Bm)bed
Oh, how we (C)shi(D)vered
Guarded him (C)from the (D)sun and (G)wind
But in the (C)autumn (D)he grew (Bm)thin
In winter, he (C)with(D)ered
I see his (C)face in (D)blossoming (G)things
One night I (C)thought I (D)heard him (Bm)sing
Down in the (C)hol(D)low
Every (C)night he (D)calls to (G)me
And for as (C)long as (D)I shall (Bm)be
I know I'll (C)fol(D)low