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Capo V
(C)Show me your mystery, (Em)show me your shame
(C)Read the contract (Em)all the way through
(Am)Let's stop running a(D7)round in circles
(C)There is nothing in your (Em)heart right now
Capo III
Intro: (G)(D)(C)(G)(D)
(G)8 hour drive on a (D)two lane blacktop
(C)I need drink
I am (G)watching the sunrise (D)fill up the sky
(C)I need some courage
Now I'm (G)packing my things (D)for the long trip out
'Cause (C)you made love bitter
(G)(D)(C)(G)(D) . . . (G)(D)(G)(D) . . . (G)
Capo VII
On the CD, this is done on piano, but this is how Lynn does it on guitar. Capo at the seventh fret to play along with the recorded version, but feel free to put it wherever it best suits your voice.
G/B: x2003x
Intro: (C)(G/B)(Am)(Fmaj7)(C)(G)(C)(Csus4)(C)
The (C)tom cats and the (G/B)babies
There's (C)cold in the (G/B)future
All the (Am)leaves have (Fmaj7)left
Storm (C)windows are (G/B)up
All the (C)hills, they turn (G/B)yellow
And that (Am)car that you (Fmaj7)fixed
Well it's a (C)done deal, it's (G/B)over
Capo IV
Intro: (Em)
Dark road - New Mexi(G)co
I hunker down - stay a(G)wake
'Cause I'm over you
I am over you
I'm remember your skin - your cigarette (G)breath
'Cause I'm over you
I am over you
There's your house, there's your (G)car
'Cause I'm over you
I am over you
I am over (Em)you
Capo III
C#dim7: 012023
*There's also a weird-ass dissonant-sounding G chord in the break played like this: 320303. Trust me.
Intro: (G)(C)(Em)(D)
I've been (G)living up here by the hydro towers
I've been (G)watching the crows sitting on their wires
Well you (G)know who your friends are when you go through trouble
I (G)watch the new mothers push their strollers on my street
Break: (G*)(C) . . . (G*)(D)
Well now I am (G)sitting in the window and I am watching it rain
Well there's (G)cats on the sidewalks, dogs under trees
You can (C)read a lot of books, it don't make you smart
You can (C)read a lot of books, it don't make you smart
Capo VII
Here's another song that's done on piano on the CD . . . this is Lynn's guitar
version. As with "You're Not Coming Back," you'll capo at the seventh fret to
play along with the CD.
Intro: (C)(G)
(C)It's ok, I'm not afraid
Who know (Am)that all the money's probably spent
(C)Who aren't afraid of leaving town
Here's a (Am)toast to the underdogs
(C)It's ok, I'm not afraid
Capo IV
E7: 022130
Intro: (Am)(G)(Am)
I live beside this (G)dark coal mine
And when I (Am)lost my man down that (G)old coal shaft
And the (Fmaj7)undertaker is a (C)busy man
And when the (Fmaj7)baby cries, I sing (C)hush little one
Capo IV
B7: x2120x
Intro: (G)(B7)(Cadd9)(D) . . . (G)(B7)(Cadd9)(D)
(G)A yellow road, (B7)pair of new shoes
Cause I (G)found my courage
(Cadd9)And the man behind the curtain (D)has let me down
Well they are (G)checking out my (B7)alibi
Cause I (G)sang all the songs
And the (Cadd9)man behind the curtain (D)has let me down
The (G)wind has died down
'Cause that (G)tin is gonna rust
Coda: At that last (G) chord, Lynn immediately goes into an instrumental bit from the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." She doesn't sing the lyrics, but I'll included them here so you'll know where the chords go. The (G) chord immediately before the word "home" above, is the same (G) chord that begins the following sequence, with the (Cm) chord played x01013
(G)Some(Em)where (Bm)over the (G7)rainbow
Capo I
Fsus2: xx3010
Intro: (C)(Am)(Fsus2)(G)
It's (C)hockey night in Canada
With my (C)heart beneath my duffle coat
And I would (F)wait
They are (C)clearing my street again
There is a (C)zamboni of sorts in all our souls
And we would (F)wait
Capo III
The basis of this song is a bass-line walk-down, so make sure to pluck the notes in bold as you pick the chords.
C: x32033
Intro: (G)(C) (G)(C)
(C)Well I (C/B)saw you at the (Am7)party (G)
(C)You (C/B)leaned against the (Am7)counter (G)
You don't (C)love me (G)anymore
It's (C)not (C/B)that I would (Am7)crum(G)ble
'Cause you don't (C)love me (G)anymore
(C)(C/B)(Am7)(G) . . . 4x
Well the (C)heart(C/B) it is a (Am7)ram(G)bler
You don't (C)love me (G)anymore
DADGBE (tune your low E string down to D)
This is going to look a lot more difficult than it really is, although I'm not sure that the chords are called
what I've called them. But just play them as I've indicated and you'll be fine.
First off, the D/Gmaj7/Em7/Gmaj7/Asus sequence is ridiculously simple. You'll play a standard D
chord to start off, then pull your index finger off the 3rd string and put it on the second fret of the 5th
string to make the Gmaj7 chord . . . then move it to the second fret of the 6th string to make the Em7
chord . . . then back to the Gmaj7 chord . . . then to the second fret of the 4th string for the A7sus
chord. See? It's just one finger that's doing all the work.
Then for the A7sus . . . A7sus/D . . . A7sus/C# . . . A7sus/B sequence, it's basically a 4th/5th string
walkdown where you'll play the notes as I've indicated them in bold below.
D: 000232
Intro: (D)(Gmaj7)(Em7)(Gmaj7)(A7sus) . . . (D)(Gmaj7)(Em7)(Gmaj7)(A7sus)
I loved a (D)cowboy
And those (Em)nights spent in (A/F#)two-horse towns
Well I loved this (D)cowboy
And those (Em)nights spent in (A/F#)two-horse towns
When I thought a(D)bout it
From those (Em)nights spent in (A/F#)two-horse towns
Capo I
Gsus2: 320013
This one's not particularly difficult, although perhaps a little complex, since it uses a walkdown sequence that's not one of your standard variety bass-line walkdowns.
The F-F/E-Dm7-F/E-F sequence is a walkdown-and-back-up on the fourth string.
When playing the first F chord (standard position: xx3211), your bass note
will be the third fret on the fourth string (an F note). For the F/E,
you'll play it as xx2211, with the second fret on the fourth string (an E
note) as your bass note. For the Dm7, which is played xx0211, the open
fourth string is the bass note. Then the F/E again, then the F again, then
the Dm7 again, utilizing the same bass notes you used during the walkdown.
For the progressions where you see an F/G chord, it means that you'll add a low G note (sixth string/third fret) to the F chord, and playing it: 3x3211.
Intro: (C)(Cmaj7)(C7)(C) . . . (F)(F/E)(Dm7)(F/E)(F)(Fmaj7)(G)
(C)Loneliness is an (Cmaj7)envelope you can (C7)seal yourself (F)into (F/E)
It is the (F)hurt that hurts the (G)deepest
(C)Loneliness will (Cmaj7)steal your soul (C7)on stormy windy (F)hills (F/E)
It is the (F)hurt that hurts the (G)deepest
Capo IV
Intro: (Fmaj7) (G) (Am)
Well I know it was love
And this (F)love poured(G) down like (Am)rain
Well I know it was love
And this (F)love poured(G) down like (Am)rain
Now you wonder where it's gone
We could have rode the (C)rails
And this (F)love poured(G) down like (Am)rain
Capo V
The chords are all played in standard position, although Lynn frets the 3rd fret on the high E string (a G note) during most of them (except for in the intro, when they're played normally with the open first string).
Intro: (C)(Am)(Fmaj7)(G)
In this (C)smoky bar
But your (C)eyes are much too fam(Am)iliar
And when (C)you go home
But your (C)eyes are much too fam(Am)iliar
(C)(Am)(F)(G) . . . (2x) . . . then hold on (C)
Intro: (Em)(C)(D) . . . 6x
(C)I remember how the (G)sky looked
(C)It's been a long time (G)coming
(C)All around my pillars (G)crumbled
(C)It's been a long time (G)coming
(C)Then I heard one thousand (G)angels
(C)It's been a long time (G)coming
(Em)(C)(D) . . . fade
D: 000200
In practice, rather than in theory, this is going to be a lot easier than it looks, but I'm going to have to make it sound difficult in order to explain what I'm talking about, so bear with me.
The bulk of the song does not really utilize the chords as described above,
and even when she does use them, they're merely "anchors" for the
high string picking that you can very clearly hear in the intro. It's a
little complicated to describe; she mostly does a repetition of the
following riff, and I'll use the opening (D) as an example.
Lynn gently fingerpicks it on Slightly Haunted, but strums it when she
plays it live, so try strumming this to get the basic idea:
00020x (strum once)
Then basically the same thing with the (A)
Then basically the same thing with the (Em)
Followed by a (D)(Em)(A) progression. That's sorta how the intro works.
But mostly, there are two simple progressions that make up the third and fourth
lines of each verse, and the entire bridge (the "I watched the trees
shiver" section). One's a two-note progression, the other's a four, and I
will refer to them as (#2) and (#4). Progression #2 is what's used in the
third line of each verse and the third line of the bridge, while progression
#4 is used in the last line of each verse, plus the first, second and last
lines of the bridge.
Anyway, progression #2 is this, and you should obviously pick the fretted notes to form a back and forth bass line thing:
x20000 Got out my
Progression #4 is:
(Ain't it)
Again, you'll pluck those three ascending notes on the sixth string, then on the 002000 (which is really an A chord), pluck the open fifth string to resolve the ascending bass line.
Intro: (D)(A)(Em)(D)(Em)(A)
Last night I (D)watched the first snow come floating down
Then I (D)watched the neighbors' kids try to lick the flakes
x20000 pretty soon we'll be
200000 wish I had a
And then I (D)watched the rooftops change from black to white
x20000 birds left
(Use #4 for this line)** And then I watched the trees shiver by the light of the moon
200000 watched the trees
200000 didn't feel
x20000 any day
200000 cold and the
But last night I (D)watched the first snow come floating down
200000 funny how the
You'll note that at the end of the song, progression #4 does not resolve to
the (A), rather it resolves to the (D) bit that's the same as
the intro.
**on this line, don't resolve to the (A) chord . . . end it and hang at the third note of progression #4.
So there you have it. It's actually very easy to play, and like I said, it's more complicated to describe it. But play along with the CD and you'll get it quickly.
Intro: (Am)(G) . . . (Am)(G) . . . (Am)
(Am)There is a tundra
(E)It's so dark here
(Am)There is a circle
(E)It's so dark here
(Am)There's always a king
(E)It's so dark here
Capo I
Am7: x02010 (for the first verse only, play it with a high G: x20103
And you (Am7)wonder (D7sus4)why
(G)How many years has it been
Well there must have been (Am7)angels (D7)at our doors
(G)How many nights did we spend
Well there must have been (Am7)angels (D7)at my doors
Capo II
(CaddG)I'm so tired of this town
I could go any(Fmaj7)where
So (CaddG)tell me what you want me to say here
'Cause I can do (Fmaj7)anything
Now I'm (CaddG)kicking a rusty old can around
Now I could go any(Fmaj7)where
G: 320033
Capo I
Intro: (G)(Cadd9)(G)(Dsus4) . . . (G)(Cadd9)(G)(Dsus4)
Like a (G)poet wants pain
Like (G)rust needs steel
I (D)don't need candles
Like a (G)kid loves to play
Like a (G)train needs a track
And I (D)don't need candles
Fsus2: x33010
Intro: (C)(Fsus2)(C)(Fsus2)
This love has (C)made you a hunter
This love (C)made you a promise
And that's (C)wrong
This love (C)gave you sad answers
This (C)love is your ruler
And that's (C)so wrong
Because (Fsus2)love is not a lie
This love (C)showed you no mercy
This love (C)has no conscience
And that's (C)wrong
Because (Fsus2)love is not a lie
B7: 021200
Intro: (Em)(C9)(B7) . . . 4x
There's (Em)lithium in the sunset
I (Em)cannot get a breath
Be (Em)careful how you talk to her
There's a (C)body on the beach
You (Em)cannot be too rich
(Em)Grooming is everything
There's a (C)body on the beach
The horses are (Em)chompin' at their bits
(Em)(C9)(B7) . . . fade out
(Fmaj7)Tell me (G)your secret (C)code
Forget every lesson that (Em)you ever learned
(Fmaj7)About the middle of the (G)road
(C)Let's break the bank and the (E7)rules and the chains
Do every(Am)thing that we ever dreamed (Fmaj7)of
Let's build a fire and (C)let it get hot
Let's go (G)down in the flames of (C)love
(Fmaj7)Use your blood (G)to sign your (C)name
Take a look in the mirror, re(Em)member this moment
You're never gonna (Fmaj7)feel quite the (G)same
(C)I will you show my conscience, (E7)show you my shame
Every (Am)hurt that I am made (Fmaj7)of
Let's build a fire and (C)let it get hot
Let's go (G)down in the flames of (C)love
(Fmaj7)Telling our (G)little white (C)lies
(Am)Let's write this story
Let's (D7)settle this now
Take off your (Fmaj7)hat, your gloves, your dis(G)guise
(C)Pay no attention to the (Am)cynics and the doubters
Who (Fmaj7)peer from below and a(G)bove
'Cause they (Fmaj7)don't have the courage or the (C)will or the desire
To (G)burn in the flames of (C)love
You (Fmaj7)have not (G)invited (C)in
So take a leap, (Em)lose the net
Let (Fmaj7)history be(G)gin
(C)Let's be the heroes and the (E7)saints and the martyrs
Let's do every(Am)thing that we every dreamed (Fmaj7)of
Let's build a fire and (C)let it get hot
Let's go (G)down in the flames of (C)love
(C)Nobody loves me to(G)day
3 in the morning, (D)hard scrabble country
Went and (C)pushed everybody a(G)way
(Bm)I need a bed
(C)I need a stronger re(D)solve
(C)I need a future
And a (G)heart that ain't (Em)broken
'Cause (D)you never loved me at (G)all (D)
It's how I (C)try to make you (G)feel
I learned your tough lesson
Don't (D)get in too close
When you (C)find out nothing is (G)real
(Bm)I need some comfort
(C)I need a safe place to (D)fall
(C)I need a future
And a (G)heart that ain't (Em)broken
'Cause (D)you never loved me at (G)all (D)(C)(G)(D)
I took a (C)good look around the (G)place (D)
There (G)weren't any flowers
Any (D)hearts, any hope
No (C)love, not even a (G)trace
(Bm)You made it rain
And you (C)left me with no one (D)to call
(C)I need a future
And a (G)heart that ain't (Em)broken
'Cause (D)you never loved me at (Em)all (A)
(C)You never (D)loved me at (G)all (D)(C)(G)(D)
Are (Am)howling at the (Fmaj7)moon
The (C)days are too short
And the (G)nights come too soon
And there's (Am)rain in the (Fmaj7)wind
No(C)body's outside
There's a (G)storm coming in
The (Am)carnival's (Fmaj7)gone
The (Am)neighbors have (Fmaj7)quit
Trying to (G)spruce up their lawns
Sun(Am)flowers are (Fmaj7)dead
The (C)pumpkins are done
There's (G)geese overhead
They turn (Am)red, they turn (Fmaj7)sad
And (C)everybody is talking
About the (G)summer they had
Well it (Am)broke down a(Fmaj7)gain
And I (Am)know that the (Fmaj7)world's
Never gonna (G)feel quite the same
It's (Am)faded to (Fmaj7)black
You (C)turn in your key
And you're (G)not coming (C)back (G/B)(Am)(Fmaj7)(C)(G)(C)
Now I (D)know I gotta let you (Em)go
Back of my throat - I taste my (G)pride
I swallow (D)hard - and I wipe my (Em)eyes
There's nothing (D)left that you can (Em)take
The sky is full - coyote (G)moans
This is the (D)first time - I'm a(Em)lone
I'm over (G)you
I'm over (D)you
I'm over (Em)you
I am over (C)you
I'm gonna drive on (D)through
'Cause I'm over (Em)you
Your leather (D)hands touching my (Em)neck
Crazy eyes, reckless (G)grin
That's how you (D)always pull me (Em)back in
I'm over (G)you
I'm over (D)you
I'm over (Em)you
I am over (C)you
I'm gonna drive on (D)through
'Cause I'm over (Em)you
One, two, (D)three - there you (Em)are
Seems to me that you got (G)taller
You're in the rear-view (D)mirror now
You're getting (Em)smaller
I'm over (G)you
I'm over (D)you
I'm over (Em)you
I am over (C)you
I am over (Em)you
I am over (C)you
I am over (C)you
I'm gonna drive on (D)through
'Cause I'm over (Em)you
(C)Trying to feel my feet and regain my powers
(Em7)Living on the flight path trying to feel the ground
(D)Trying to break the chains that hold me to this town
(C)Listening to the muscle cars burning their tires
(Em7Thought I'd stick around for a month or so
Well I've (D)been here for seven and this is what I know
You can (C)read a lot of books, it don't make you smart
(G)Kiss a lot of fools, don't mean you've got a heart
(D)Walk a million miles, don't mean that you travel
You could (Em7)make a perfect plan and see it (C)all un(C#dim7)rav(G)el (C)(G)(C)
They're the (C)ones who come around and pull you from the rubble
The (Em7)phone won't ring as many times a day
But when it (D)does, they'll have something good to say
And they're (C)scared and they're happy and they're sad and they're sweet
And I (Em7)watched two seasons come and go
(D)Oh, and this is what I know
(C)Thunder and lightning and love and shame
Took me (Em7)four long years to crawl down to this place
It'll take (D)four to get back and it ain't no race
And the (C)wheels on the pavement buzz like honeybees
And the (Em7)laundry's wet and the wind is gonna blow
And I (D)don't care, 'cause this is what I know
(G)Kiss a lot of fools, don't mean you've got a heart
(D)Walk a million miles, don't mean that you travel
You could (Em7)make a perfect plan . . .
(G)Kiss a lot of fools, don't mean you've got a heart
(D)Walk a million miles, don't mean that you travel
You could (Em7)make a perfect plan and see it (C)all un(C#dim7)rav(G)el
Un(C#dim7)ra(C)v(G)el . . . (G*)(D/F#)(G)
(Em)Of marching in this brave parade
(Fmaj7)With all the souls who've crawled back up
(G)Who bet despite their crazy luck
Who (C)choose to love in an angry age
(Em)Refuse to bend to spite or rage
(Fmaj7)Who aren't afraid of bad reviews
(G)Who don't care if they win or (C)lose
(Em)That every deadline came and went
(Fmaj7)Who know that love is not a game
(G)That life is equal joy and pain
Who (Am)love moonlight across a bed
(Em)Who question every word that's said
(Fmaj7)Who celebrate every victory
(G)Who aren't afraid of mystery (C) (G)
(Em)Giving up or falling down
(Fmaj7)Throwing everything to chance
(G)Fighting for a new romance
Who (C)look between the skin and bones
Who (Em)long for comfort, ache for home
(Fmaj7)Who love the poets and the sky
(G)The drifters and the ones who (C)cry
(Em)The little boats lost in the fog
The (Fmaj7)ones who don't quite fit the mold
(G)Who never do what they are told
Who (Am)know that sad songs matter most
(Em)Who face the music and the ghosts
(Fmaj7)The lovers and the second best
(G)Who have no medals on their (C)chest (G)
(Em)Of marching in this brave (Fmaj7)parade (G)(C)
The (Am)whistle blows every (E)day on time(E7)
When the (Am)rain pours down and the (G)wind blows hard
Black (Am)flowers (G)grow in my (Am)yard (G)(Am)
I (Am)swear I heard the (E)devil laugh(E7)
The (Am)angels laughed and they (G)took my heart
Now black (Am)flowers (G)grow in my (Am)yard
He got a (Am)clean blue shirt, got (E)soft pink hands(E7)
Got a (Am)big driveway and a (G)brand new car
Black (Am)flowers (G)grow in my (Am)yard
But I (Am)swear that I'm gonna (E)come undone(E7)
Cause when the (Am)rain pours down and the (G)wind blows hard
Black (Am)flowers (G)grow in my (Am)yard
Black flowers (G)grow in my (Am)yard
Black flowers (G)grow in my (Am)yard (G)(Am)(G)(Am)
Em7: 02203x
Cadd9: x3203x
No (Em7)comfort, no laughs, (Cadd9)no hometown news
(G)The woods are too dark, this (D)city's too big
I'm (Cadd9)tired of being a(D)lone
(B7)I wracked my brain
I (Em7)lost my heart (Cadd9)over and over again
Now I keep (G)clicking my heels
(D)I want to go (G)home (Gsus4)(G)
(G)My little (G/F#)friends have stopped (Em)calling me and coming around
These (Cadd9)shoes are too tight
The (D)damn dog's got fleas
(Cadd9)Everybody's all but given (D)up on (G)me . . . (D)yeah . . .
They are (Em7)writing my sentence (Cadd9)in the sky
I got a (G)hurt that's deep
That I must not (D)ignore
(B7)I did all the dances
Guess I (Em7)used up all my luck
(Cadd9)Guess I'm not in (G)Kansas(D) . . . any(G)more (Gsus4)(G)
(Em)My little friends have stopped calling me and coming around
These (Cadd9)shoes are too tight
The (D)damn dog's got fleas
(Cadd9)Everybody's all but given (D)up on (G)me . . . (D)yeah . . .
(B7)That rainbow's gone
Every(Em7)body's lost their shine
(Cadd9)The days are way too long
(G)I'll say it again: I'm tired of being a(D)lone . . . yeah
That (B7)straw is gonna burn
That (Em7)heart's gonna break
(Cadd9)That's what I've learned
So I keep (G)clicking my heels
(D)I wanna go (G)home . . .
(C)Way (Cm)up (G)high
(C)There's (Cm)a (G)land that I've (Em)heard of
(Am7)Once in a (Cm)lulla(G)bye
Bb: 113331 (Note: live, Lynn plays it as a simple A-shaped xx333x transition chord)
There is a (Am)blue glow in every window
And I am (Fsus2)walking home along again
In the (Dm)freshly fallen (G)frozen snow
My (Am)dreams turning to icicles
I (Fsus2)wish there was a sunny summer sky
And I was (Dm)cruising on my (G)bicycle
For all the (C)lights to (Bb)change to (F)green
And I would (C)race right (Bb)through
(F)And take it (C)down the afternoon (G)avenue
That's what I would (F)do
But there's just these (C)skating (Bb)rinks
And (F)the boys (C)always get their (Bb)way
It (F)seems like it's hockey night in (C)Canada
Almost (G)every single (C)day (Fsus2)(C) . . . (C)(Fsus2)(G)
(Am)Trying to deny the season
And I (Fsus2)want so much to disagree with them
But they re(Dm)fuse to hear my (G)reason
And the (Am)streets of old Montreal are cold
(Fsus2)Equal ice time is all we need
To (Dm)catch our breath and (G)build our speed
For all the (C)lights to (Bb)change to (F)green
And we would (C)march right (Bb)through
(F)And take it (C)down the afternoon (G)avenue
That's what we would (F)do
But there's just these (C)skating (Bb)rinks
And (F)the boys (C)always get their (Bb)way
It (F)seems like it's hockey night in (C)Canada
Almost (G)every single (C)day (Fsus2)(C)(Fsus2) . . . (fade)
C/B: x20033
Am7: x02033
G: 320033
(C)And I (C/B)tried to catch your (Am7)eye (G)
(C)But you (C/B)would not turn to(Am7)wards (G)me
And I felt (C)something start (D)to die
(C)Blew (C/B)some smoke into the (Am7)air (G)
Was it (Em)you(C) who used to tell (G)me
(C)That the trick is not to (D)care
In your (C)heart you're out (G)the door
It's getting (Em)har(C)der to ig(G)nore
That you don't (C)love me any(G)more
That you don't (C)love me any(G)more
It's just these (C)long drawn (C/B)out (Am7)sad goodbyes (G)
And I would (Em)ra(C)ther just start walking (G)
Than have to (C)hear your (D)alibis
In your (C)heart you're out (G)the door
It's getting (Em)har(C)der to ig(G)nore
That you don't (C)love me any(G)more
That you don't (C)love me any(G)more
Tell (C)me who(C/B) can under(Am7)stand (G)
And (Em)lo(C)ve is like a warm (G)wind
'Cause you can't (C)hold it (D)in your hand
In your (C)heart you're out (G)the door
It's getting (Em)har(C)der to ig(G)nore
That you don't (C)love me any(G)more
That you don't (C)love me any(G)more
Capo V
Gmaj7: x20032
Em7: 200032
A7sus: x02032
A7sus/D: x00030
A7sus/C#: x40030
A7sus/B: x20030
Em: 220000
A/F#: 400020
G/addE: 500030
G: 500033
Asus4: x02230
Bm: xx4432
I loved his (Gmaj7)cowboy ways
I loved his (Em7)sky-blue eyes
Those (Gmaj7)cold November (A7sus)days
He'd (D)walk across the field
And I could (Gmaj7)see his breath
And I swear I (Em7)heard his heart
Beating in(Gmaj7)side his (A7sus)chest (A7sus/D)(A7sus/C#)(A7sus/B)
(G/addE)Pick-up trucks and (Em)country (Asus4)bars
Those (Em)nights were like (A/F#)blankets
Like (G/addE)movies
Like (Em)falling . . . like (Asus4)falling . . . (D)stars (Gmaj7)(Em7)(Gmaj7)(A7sus)
More than I (Gmaj7)should admit
More than I (Em7)knew was right
But I got real (Gmaj7)used to (A7sus)it
I would go out (D)ridin'
For two (Gmaj7)weeks at a time
And I knew the (Em7)only lonely heart
Was never (Gmaj7)his, only (A7sus)mine (A7sus/D)(A7sus/C#)(A7sus/B)
(G/addE)Pick-up trucks and (Em)country (Asus4)bars
Those (Em)nights were like (A/F#)blankets
Like (G/addE)movies
Like (Em)falling . . . like (Asus4)falling . . . (D)stars (Gmaj7)(Em7)(Gmaj7)(A7sus)
Some loves (Gmaj7)are compromise
Some loves burn (Em7)bright and fast and die
Some (Gmaj7)loves are all on (A7sus)one side
So I (D)left this cowboy
I left on (Gmaj7)New Year's Day
It was my (Em7)resolution
I just up and (Gma7)rode a(A7sus)way (A7sus/D)(A7sus/C#)(A7sus/B)
(G/addE)Pick-up trucks and (Em)country (Asus4)bars
Those (Em)nights were like (A/F#)blankets
Like (G/addE)movies
Like (Em)falling . . . like (Asus4)falling . . . (Em)like (Asus4) falling (D)stars
And (Dm7)send off (F/E)to a (F)stranger in a (Dm7)town across the (G)sea
(C)Loneliness is a (Cmaj7)tired old friend (C7)who carries your (F)baggage (F/E)
Through (Dm7)airports (F/E)and train (F)stations(F/G) for (Gsus2)free (C) (G)
(C)Loneliness wears a (Cmaj7)suit and tie (C7)on busy city (F)streets (F/E)
(Dm7)And makes you (F/E)cry at (F)parties filled with (Dm7)people that you (G)know
(C)Loneliness will (Cmaj7)take your hand and (C7)lead you to the (F)shoreline (F/E)
On (Dm7)foggy (F/E)days to (F)find the (F/G)under(Gsus2)tow (C) (C7)
It is the (E)ache that you can't (Am)cure (Am/G)
It is the (F)desperation of the (G)late night telephone (C)call (C7)
It is the (F)lover in the (G)shadows
It is the (E)one that got a(Am)way (C/G)
It is the (F)cry of the southbound (G)birds in the (F)fall (C) (F)(G)
And (Dm7)hides be(F/E)hind red (F)maple trees (Dm7)on autumn after(G)noons
(C)Loneliness sits on the (Cmaj7)porch (C7)of the house you used to (F)live in (F/E)
It is the (Dm7)distant (F/E)sound of (F)thunder and (F/G)trains and (F)loons (C) (C7)
It is the (E)ache that you can't (Am)cure (Am/G)
It is the (F)desperation of the (G)late night telephone (C)call (C7)
It is the (F)lover in the (G)shadows
It is the (E)one that got a(Am)way (C/G)
It is the (F)cry of the southbound (G)birds in the (F)fall (C) (C7)
It is the (F)lover in the (G)shadows
It is the (E)one that got a(Am)way (C/G)
It is the (F)cry of the southbound (G)bird in the (F)fall (F/E)(Dm7)(C)
But love can be(Fmaj7) a fleeting thing
Filled with flowers in(Am) the dark
The beating of the (Fmaj7)blackbird's wings (G)
Oh and I know it(Am) was love
But it was the (Fmaj7)restless kind
Not love that keeps you (Am)calm
But love that thunders (Fmaj7)up your (G)mind
And (F)we lived (G)out on the(Am) line
And we (F)spun like (G)hurri(Am)canes
And I was (F)yours and(G) you were (Am)mine (F)(G)(Am)
'Cause love can set you(Fmaj7) wandering
Or keep you in a (Am)cage
Or make you do (Fmaj7)most anything (G)
Oh and I know it(Am) was love
'Cause nothing else could (Fmaj7)touch us then
We were just like (Am)leaves
Tumbling in(Fmaj7)side the (G)wind
And (F)we lived (G)out on the(Am) line
And we (F)spun like (G)hurri(Am)canes
And I was (F)yours and(G) you were (Am)mine
Well looking back (Fmaj7)I think I know
We held it in our (Am)arms
But we got scared(Fmaj7) and let it (G)go
We could have taken any(G) town
We could have danced along(Am) the bars
We could have burned the (F)whole place (G)down
And (F)we lived (G)out on the(Am) line
And we (F)spun like (G)hurri(Am)canes
And I was (F)yours and(G) you were (Am)mine
And I was (F)yours and(G) you were (Am)mine
And I was (F)yours and(G) you were (Am)mine
Trouble's (Am)not too far
A(F)way (G)
If it would (C)only go
For an (Am)hour or so
I'd (F)stay (G)here
And my (F)heart is in ext(G)remes
(C)And if I could I would
(Am)Tell you my life is
(F)Coming apart at the (G)seams
But the (C)ghost of deadlock (Am)rides this train
And she (F)takes it out of (G)town
It's way (C)past last call
(Am)It's way past the point of (F)giving us new (G)ground
(Em)To stand on (F)(G)
It'll be (Am)alone . . . like (F)me (G)
In the (C)quiet dark
Past the (Am)empty parks
In the back (F)seat . . . of a (G)taxi
And my (F)heart is in ext(G)remes
(C)And if I could I would
(Am)Tell you my life is
(F)Coming apart at the (G)seams
But the (C)ghost of deadlock (Am)rides this train
And she (F)takes it out of (G)town
It's way (C)past last call
It's way (Am)past the point of (F)giving us new (G)ground
(Em)To stand on (F)(G)
(C)On the first day that it (G)rained
(C)And I remember how the (Em)earth shook
(C)It sounded like one hundred (D)trains
(C)And I believed it was sal(G)vation
(C)And I believed it was the (G)king
(C)I never knew something could (Em)rule somebody
(C)I'd never felt that kind of (D)sting
(C)It's been a long lonesome(Em) fight
(C)It's been a long time (G)coming(Em)
(B7)A long journey through the (Em)night(C)(D)
Through the (Em)night(C)(D)
(C)All around my friends (G)fled
(C)All around I felt de(Em)ception
(C)At every word that people (D)said
(C)In the dark there was no (G)vision
(C)In the dark there was just (G)pain
(C)But nobody could get (Em)near me
(C)'Cause it moved just like a (D)train
(C)It's been a long lonesome(Em) fight
(C)It's been a long time (G)coming(Em)
(B7)A long journey through the (Em)night(C)(D)
(C)As I turned to it a(G)gain
(C)They reached out their arms to(Em) save me
(C)Before I rolled out on that (D)train
(C)It's been a long lonesome(Em) fight
(C)It's been a long time (G)coming(Em)
(B7)A long journey through the (Em)night(C)(D)
Through the (Em)night(C)(D)
Through the (Em)night(C)(D)
Capo III
A: 002000
Em: 020000
000202 (strum twice)
000200 (strum twice, hold a beat, strum again)
00024x (strum once)
000200 (strum once)
00020x (strum once)
x40000 mitts and I
x20000 got out my
x40000 hat . . .
200000 funny how the
400000 seasons change
500000 just like
002000 that
And (A)land on the streets of this sleepy town
(Use #2 for this line) Well, I got out my mitts and I got out my hat
(Use #4 for this line) Ain't it funny how the season change just like that
(A)All the passing cars stopped to check their brakes
(Use #2 for this line) And pretty soon we'll be singing Christmas songs
(Use #4 for this line) Like "I wish I had a river that I could skate away on"
x40000 singing
x20000 Christmas
x40000 songs like I
400000 river I could
500000 skate away
002000 on
(A)All the cats and dogs went home for the night
(Use #2 for this line) And the birds left town 'bout a month ago
(Use #4 for this line) Except for the ones that are built for snow
x40000 town 'bout a
x20000 month a-
x40000 -go
200000 -cept for the
400000 ones that are
500000 built for
002000 snow
(Use #4 for this line) And I didn't feel lonely but I know I will soon
(Use #2 for this line) And any day now I won't say one good thing
(Use #4 for this line) About the cold and the snow and I'll complain until spring
400000 shiver by the
500000 light of the moon, and I
400000 lonely but I
500000 know I will
002000 soon and
x40000 now I won't say
x20000 one good
x40000 thing 'bout the
400000 snow and I'll comp-
500000 -lain until
002000 spring
And (A)land on the streets of this sleepy town
(Use #2 for this line) I got out my mitts and I got out my hat
(Use #4 for this line) Ain't it funny how the season change just like that
400000 seasons change
500000 just
002000 like
000200 that
There is the snow(G)
There is a sorrow that (Am)won't let go
There is a river
That's frozen now(G)
There is a grace that I (Am)cannot allow
It's so cold(Am)
That everything could (Fmaj7)splinter
(E)Don't be afraid
To look down up(Am)on
This heart that lives in (Fmaj7)winter
(Am)This (G)heart that lives in (Am)winter
There is a line(G)
There is a hill that I (Am)cannot climb
There is a fire
And it's burning below(G)
And it will not die
Though these (Am)winds will blow
It's so cold(Am)
That everything could (Fmaj7)splinter
(E)Don't be afraid
To look down up(Am)on
This heart that lives in (Fmaj7)winter
(Am)This (G)heart that lives in (Am)winter
Always a queen(G)
Always a hollow place
(Am)Somewhere in between
But there is a lesson
And it's waiting in the night(G)
And always a search
For a (Am)soothing light
It's so cold(Am)
That everything could (Fmaj7)splinter
(E)Don't be afraid
To look down up(Am)on
This heart that lives in (Fmaj7)winter
(Am)This (G)heart that lives in (Fmaj7)winter
(Am)This (G)heart that lives in (Am)winter
D7sus4: xx00213
C/addG: x32013
(G)You flew so (Em)high
And (Am7)had(D7) such an easy (G)landing
And (Am7)why he's (D7sus4)gone
(G)And why it (Em)is
That (Am7)you're still (C/addG)here
And you're still (D7sus4)standing
Doesn't (Am7)seem so long ago
When the (C)things we did (Am7)
We think are crazy (D7)now (D7sus4)
(G)How many nights did we dance
(Am7)Straight into the woods
(C)And we managed to
(Am7)Struggle through (D7)somehow (D7sus4)
Flying (G)carpets on (Em)our floors
There must have been (Am7)something in the (C)air
'Cause we're (D7)still here (D7sus4)
Well there must have been (Am7)spirits (D7)in the halls
(G)Ghosts behind the (Em)walls
There must have been (Am7)something in the (C)air
'Cause (D7)we're still (G)here (D7)(D7sus4)
(Am7)Standing too close to the edge
(C)Laughing and drinking and speeding cars
And killing (D7)all our time (D7sus4)
(G)How many nights did I break
In (Am7)two just like a little doll
And I (C)felt like there was (Am7)nothing so sub(D7)lime (D7sus4)
Flying (G)carpets on (Em)my floors
There must have been (Am7)something in the (C)air
'Cause I'm (D7)still here (D7sus4)
Well there must have been (Am7)spirits (D7)in the halls
(G)Ghosts behind the (Em)walls
There must have been (Am7)something in the (C)air
'Cause (D7)I'm still (Em)here (D)
And you're still (Em)here (D)
And we're still (Em)here (D)
And I'm still (G)here (D7)(G)(D7)(G)
And this town is tired of me
I feel like I've been walking down a long dark road
Now I'm standing on the edge of the sea
My soul is on (CaddG)fire
And a wind is blowing (Fmaj7)through my heart (G)
The angels are riding on my (CaddG)tires
Show me what you want me to do
Then I'll just go live the opposite way
Stay up all night, sleep all afternoon
My soul is on (CaddG)fire
And a wind is blowing (Fmaj7)through my heart (G)
The angels are riding on my (CaddG)tires
Kicked it for a million years
Now my head's on straight and my eyes are dry
'Cause I cried all those tears
My soul is on (CaddG)fire
And a wind is blowing (Fmaj7)through my heart (G)
The angels are riding on my (CaddG)tires
And a wind is blowing (Fmaj7)through my heart (G)
Angels are riding on my (CaddG)tires
Cadd9: x32033
Dsus4: x00233
Like a bride begs a kiss
Like a (Cadd9)baby wants a mother
Like a (G)gambler has to (Dsus4)risk
Like a (G)drunk needs a drink
An artist needs a muse
It is the (Cadd9)middle of the night
All I (Dsus4)need is (G)you
Ocean needs a shore
Like the (Cadd9)moon needs the night
Like a (G)pimp needs a (Dsus4)whore
Like a (G)river craves the bank
A cold December begs for June
It is the (Cadd9)middle of the night
All I (Dsus4)need is (G)you
Or lace or wine
And I don't (Cadd9)care about the consequences
Of what I've left behind
You can (D)take away all I have
'Cause the only thing that's true
Is it is the (Cadd9)middle of the night
(D)And all I need is (Em)you (Cadd9)(G)
A horse loves to run
Like the (Cadd9)sisters need Jesus
Like a (G)robber loves his (Dsus4)gun
Like a (G)junkie needs his needle
There is nothing I can't do
'Cause it is the (Cadd9)middle of the night
All I (Dsus4)need is (G)you
Like the sun loves to shine
Like the (Cadd9)world needs a conscience
Like (G)bells need to (Dsus4)chime
Like the (G)stars love the sky
Guilt needs shame
I will (Cadd9)lie here in the dark
I will (Dsus4)call your (G)name
Or lace or wine
And I don't (Cadd9)care about the consequences
Of what I've left behind
You can (D)take away all I have
But the only thing that's true
Is it is the (Cadd9)middle of the night
(D)And all I need is (Em)you (Cadd9)
All I need is (Em)you (Cadd9)
It has (Em)made you a fool
It has (Fsus2) turned you to stone
It has (G)broken every rule
That it (Em)will not keep
It has (Fsus2)taught you to suffer
It has (G)taught you how to weep
So (Em)wrong
Why do you (Fsus2)waste your time
Waste your breath
(G)Spill your tears
On something (C)so wrong
And a (Em)hurt that won't heal
(Fsus2)Taught you to pretend
It (G)taught you how to steal
It treated (Em)just like a king
But it (Fsus2)walked into your life
And it (G)broke everything
So (Em)wrong
Why do you (Fsus2)waste your time
Waste your breath
(G)Spill your tears
On something (C)so wrong
Love is not a game
(G)Love doesn't cheat
It doesn't lay blame
(Fsus2)Love is not bitter
Love is not cold
(G)Love is not a weapon
And it's not (C)bought or sold
It (Em)gave you no light
(Fsus2)Left you alone
In the (G)middle of the night
It just (Em)told you lies
Put a (Fsus2)bruise on your heart
And put (G)tears in your eyes
So (Em)wrong
Why do you (Fsus2)waste your time
Waste your breath
(G)Spill your tears
On something (C)so wrong
Love is not a game
(G)Love doesn't cheat
It doesn't lay blame
(Fsus2)Love is not bitter
Love is not cold
(G)Love is not a weapon
And it's not (C)bought or sold
C9: x32330
There's (C9)rats in the trees
And the (B7)temperature is always
(Em)Seventy-six degrees
When the mighty fall here
They (C9)fall real hard
And the (B7)Marlboro Man is watching them
On Sunset (Em)Boulevard (C9)(B7)
I (C9)cannot get a break
I can (B7)taste the desperation
'Cause the (Em)deal is at stake
For every nip and tuck
There is a (C9)vicious little scar
And the (B7)Marlboro Man is peering down
On Sunset (Em)Boulevard (C9)(B7)
She might (C9)be someone you need
And it's (B7)such an easy leap
From sin(Em)cerity to greed
Now everybody's waiting
Just to (C9)see the next card
And the (B7)Marlboro Man is smokin'
Down on Sunset (Em)Boulevard
And it (G)doesn't make the news
It's (C)sweeps month here
And no(B7)body wants to lose
He (C)didn't have connections
Didn't (G)even own a car
So (C)it ain't worth reporting
'Cause he's (B7)not a superstar, yeah (Em)yeah (C9)(B7)
You (C9)cannot be too thin
Don't bother (B7)entering the fray
Unless you're (Em)certain you can win
Take a look around you, baby
Every (C9)blade of grass is charred
And the (B7)Marlboro Man is laughing
On Sunset (Em)Boulevard (C9)(B7)
And your (C9)car is your purse
Don't (B7)give the right of way
Even (Em)if it's a hearse
Forget about that loser
'Cause (C9)he ain't going far
Anyway, the (B7)Marlboro Man is waiting for you
Down on Sunset (Em)Boulevard
And it (G)doesn't make the news
It's (C)sweeps month here
And no(B7)body wants to lose
He (C)didn't have connections
Didn't (G)even own a car
So (C)it ain't worth reporting
'Cause he's (B7)not a superstar, yeah (Em)yeah (C9)(B7)
The (C9)dam is gonna burst
The (B7)ground is gonna rumble
And the (Em)sun is a curse
So don't look too excited
But never (B7)let down your guard
'Cause the Marlboro Man is watching you
Down on Sunset (Em)Boulevard (C9)(B7)