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D/F#: 200230
My (G)brother is a (D/F#)dark-eyed gentle (Em)man
When (G)we were young we (D/F#)fought till our mom (Em)cried
I (G)recently got (D/F#)married high u(Em)pon a hill
(C)Some say we're like (D)day and (G)night
(Cma7sus2) . . . (G)
For the (Am) chord in the intro and at the end of the verses,
hammer on a low G note (sixth string/third fret) with your pinky.
Listen to the CD and you'll hear it.
Intro: (Am)(G) . . . (Am)(G) . . .
Oh (Am)build a box for a (G)boy who's gone
And (Am)build it long as a (G)year of peace
And (Am)drape no flag a(G)cross the top
And (Am)set him deep as the (G)blood in the land
Oh (Am)build a box for a (G)boy who's gone
Intro: (A)
And the (G)sun makes no (A)difference at (D)all
And the (G)moon has no (A)mysteries at (D)all
And the (G)stars are not (A)visible at (D)all
(D)Sailing to the (G)New (A)World
(D)Sailing to the (G)New (A)World
Capo IV
Intro: (G)(C)(Am)(D) . . .
(G)The strong in spirit (D)all live numbered (Em)days
(G)The strong in spirit (D)give the gift of (Em)wonder
(G)The strong in spirit (D)wear bright clothes of (Em)fire
(G)The strong in spirit (D)sing their songs in (Bm)darkness
This will always be a very important song to me, as it's the song by which I mark
my introduction to "contemporary folk music." A little story, if you'll indulge me.
Summer of 1985, I'm in my backyard on a Sunday morning listening to Pete Fornatale's
"Mixed Bag" on New York's WNEW-FM. He plays a set of "moon" songs (I seem to recall
Cat Stevens' "Moonshadow" being one of them) and then . . . this . . . incredible . . . song
comes on. I've never heard the song; I've never heard the voice; I've never heard the
name. But I'm completely blown away.
I immediately call the station and ask for Pete, desperate to discover how I can
find the song, and he tells me where I can write to the singer, this guy Hugh Blumenfeld. Which I
do . . . and Hugh writes back to me (I still have the letter) telling me that mine
is the first piece of "fan mail" he's ever received, and that "Rising Moon" is
only available on a Fast Folk compilation album. (Yes, this is so long ago that his
debut CD The Strong in Spirit had not yet been released . . . and Fast Folk
was an Actual Vinyl Record.)
Anyway, I order it, I love it, and thanks to a bunch of other songs on the album
featuring some unknowns named John Gorka, Christine Lavin, Shawn Colvin and Lucy
Kaplansky (back when she spelled her name "Kaplanski"), I realize that there's a whole
new world of acoustic music out there. Not only does it turn me on to amazing new
music, but it gets me to pick up my guitar for the first time in years.
And something that was mine, was mine again. Thanks, Hugh.
Intro: (F)(G) . . . (F)(G) . . .
(F)Rainy nights in (G)March, (C)making you a(F)mazed
(F)Sitting here be(G)side you till it's (C)far too late to (F)leave
(F)Talking's not so (G)easy . . . (C)and singing's just not (F)fair
G*: When playing the (Am), rock back and forth by hammering on a little half-G figure (3200x). Do this not only for the intro, but for most of the (Am) chords in the song. As usual, listen to the CD and you'll hear what I mean.
Intro: (Am)(G*) . . . 4x . . .
Eight (Am)years ago this neighborhood (G)was mostly black and (Am)colored
(G)Oh So(Am)weto
But the (Am)gentry kept on flourishing, we (G)searched for higher (Am)ground
(G)Oh So(Am)weto
Eight (Am)hours ago this neighborhood (G)was mostly black and (Am)colored
(G)Oh So(Am)weto
But (Am)now the light is changing and the (G)whites return 'for (Am)dark
(G)Oh So(Am)weto
(G)Maybe Harlem doesn't sound co(Am)lonial in our ears
(G)Oh So(Am)weto
C: x32013
Intro: (G)(C)(C)(D) . . .
Get the (G)message from the mountain, and you bring back down the keys
Get the (G)promise from the people and you sing a hopeful song
Get the (G)word from brother sun and you're dancing in the light
Note: In this song, Hugh plays the D chord two different ways. So when I write D, I mean D in the normal x00232 position. But when I write D*, what you'll do is do a C fingering moved up to the third fret . . . just slide it up and play it x54030. It's still a D, just a different voicing. In the intro, there's also a chord that I've called D*addA, which means you'll add an A on the high E string as follows: x54035.
There's also another cool thing to try if you want to Play Like Hugh. After hitting the Em chord in the verses, while it's still ringing, slide up two frets and resolve at 004000 where I indicate (Em*).
Let's see, what else . . . in the third line of each chorus, after the the word "stones," there's a suspended (C) sequence based around the notes in bold:
And finally, in the chorus, after the "Dream of Queen Victoria still" line, there's a C-based walkdown in which you should again concentrate on hitting the notes in bold:
Here's another chord that may be foreign to some of you:
Whew . . . I know it all looks complicated, but it's actually a very easy song to play.
Intro: (C/G)(D*) . . . (C/G)(D*addA) . . . (C/G)(D*) . . . (C)
It (C)took her eight winters to (G)feed the whole back lot
Thread (C)City (D*)(G)
(C)Scrambling after money and (G)clutching at her kids
Thread (C)City, where the (D)looms of gold
Thread (C)City, where the (D)looms of gold
(C)Linda gave her love to a (G)college boy
Thread (C)City, where the (D)looms of gold
Thread (C)City, where the (D)looms of gold
Thread (C)City, where the (D)looms of gold
Capo II
Asus4: x02230
Note: When playing the "In the (G*)qu(G/F#)iet (G/E)of (G/D)the (A)night" line, the descending bass line will be played a little higher than usual. Ordinarily, you'd do a G-based walkdown on the fifth and sixth strings. But here, when playing the (G*) chord, play the open 3rd string as the bass note. On the (G/F#), the 4th string/4th fret will be your F# note. On the (G/E), pluck the 4th string/2nd fret as the E in the bass. And finally, on the (G/D), the open 4th string is the bass note before strumming the (A) chord with the open 5th string as your bass note. In the last verse, however, the (G/F#) is played in its "standard" version: 200033.
Intro: Play the progression above, and resolve into an (A)(Asus4)(A) sequence.
The (D)night before the (G)bombs came (A)down (Asus4)
In the (D)quiet of the night, in the (A)quiet of the night
And the (D)night before the (G)bombs came (A)down (Asus4)
In the (D)quiet of the night, in the (A)quiet of the night
And the (D)night before the (G)bombs came (A)down (Asus4)
In the (D)quiet of the night, in the (A)quiet of the night
Capo II
DaddA: x00235
This beautiful song is a real pinky-stretcher. You may actually need to
capo up higher in order to reach the fifth fret on the first string.
Sure, you may not be able to play along with the CD, but it's better than
having finger surgery, I reckon.
Also, after each chorus, where I've written (A7*) there's a little A7-based slide-up sequence (don't you just love the names I give these things?) that I'm not exactly sure about, but it's close. Repeat it twice:
Intro: (DaddA)(D/GaddA) . . . (DaddA)(D/GaddA)
There's a (DaddA)man who loves a (D/GaddA)woman for her (A7addA)beauty
And the (G)winters come and the (A)winters go and the (D)frost stays be(G)hind
(DaddA)(D/GaddA) . . . (DaddA)(D/GaddA)
And a (DaddA)woman loves a (D/GaddA)man for he is (A7addA)gentle
And the (G)winters come and the (A)winters go and the (D)frost stays be(G)hind
And at (C)times we do grow (G)worse
(DaddA)(D/GaddA) . . . (DaddA)(D/GaddA)
And the (DaddA)poets speak of (D/GaddA)love that burns like (A7addA)fire
And the (G)winters come and the (A)winters go and the (D)frost stays be(G)hind
(A7*)(A7*) . . . (D)
Capo II
The little riff that begins and ends this song is fun and simple. But to describe it in detail might take longer than the song. It's basically a series of hammer-ons based off an Am chord. If you really want to learn it, drop me a line and I'll play it for you over the phone. Or something like that.
Intro: (Am)(C)(D) . . . (Am)(E)(Esus4)
We (Am)learn so (C)awkward(D)ly what (Am)snow knows how to (E)do (Esus4)
We (Am)learn so (C)awkward(D)ly what (Am)stones know how to (E)do (Esus4)
(Am)(C)(D) . . . (Am)(D) . . . (Am)(D) . . . (Am)(D) . . . (Am)(D)
We (Am)learn so (C)awkward(D)ly what (Am)grain knows how to (E)do (Esus4)
Intro: (Am)(F)(C)(G) . . . (Am)(F)(C)(G) . . . (Am)(F)(C)(G)
In the (Am)cool hour of the (F)evening
Oh (Am)how it made you (F)warm
Oh you'd (Am)linger just to (F)talk
Break: (Bm)(G) . . . 8x
Oh and (Am)when the earth grew (F)cold
But I (Am)swear there's still an (F)ember
Cadd9: x32033
Intro: (G)(D)(Cadd9) . . . (G)(D)(Cadd9)
I am (G)waiting for the (D)Good Humor (G)Man (Cadd9)(G)
We were (Em)all out of school, just (D/F#)trying to be cool
I am (G)waiting for the (D)Good Humor (G)man (Cadd9)(G)
And at (Em)night on the tube
Oh now (G)(D)(Cadd9)
I am (G)waiting for the (D)Good Humor (G)man (Cadd9)(G)
But he's (Em)ringing his bell
C: x32033
Intro: (G)(C) . . . (G)(C)
(G)This is not an (D)age of faith
(G)The walls of (D)Jericho
(Em)In the (D)eyeless streets of (C)Gaza (D)
Capo VI
Intro: (G)(Em7)(C)(D/F#)
Well (G)I never go to visit my mother
And the (G)pious old men in their coats and beards
(Am7)Some might say I've got a (D/F#)heart of stone
Well (G)I never go to visit my mother
C/G: 332010
Dsus4: x00233
Cma7sus2: x30000
We (G)see each other (C)when we can
For (G/B)dinner or some (Am7)music (D)
But there's (G)always been this (D/F#)tension
Neither (Em)mentions it and (G)then
The conver(C)sation (C/B)dies down (Am7) (C/G)
And I (C)think sometimes it's (G)just as well
We (D)live in different (C)towns (G)(D)
(C)Some say we're like (D)day and (G)night
The (C)Southern Cross and the (G)northern lights
(C)He's half a world a(G)way from me
(C)Still he's half the (G)world to me
And (C)doesn't even (D)know it (Dsus4)(D)
For(G)gave each other (C)when she died
And (G/B)swore we'd try to (Am7)close the gap (D)
And (G)though we both are (D/F#)loyal
And (C)enjoy each other's (G)triumphs
We don't (C)understand them (C/B)well (Am7) (C/G)
And each (C)other's friends are (G)ciphers
And each (D)other's heaven (C)hell (G)(D)
(G)My brother spoke as (C)brothers will
About (G/B)growing up be(Am7)hind me (D)
And (G)when the vows were (D/F#)over
He (C)broke down on my (G)shoulder
I was (C)not prepared (C/B)(Am7)(C/G)
And I (C)held him as he (G)crossed the distance
(D)I had never (C)dared (G)(D)
The (C)Southern Cross and the (G)northern lights
(C)He's half a world a(G)way from me
(C)Still he's half the (G)world to me
And (C)doesn't even (D)know it (Dsus4)(D)
(F)Cedar, cypress and (E)olive
(Am)Build a box for a (G)boy who's coming home
(F)All the (G)wood of (Am)Lebanon (G)(Am)(G)
(F)Cedar, cypress and (E)olive
(Am)Build it wide as the (G)war-torn streets
(F)All the (G)wood of (Am)Lebanon (G)(Am)(G)
(F)Cedar, cypress and (E)olive
(Am)Drape no flag and (G)fire no shots
(F)All the (G)wood of (Am)Lebanon (G)(Am)(G)
(F)Cedar, cypress and (E)olive
Then we'll (Am)plant (G)the (Am)tall trees again (G)in the desert sand
(F)All the (G)wood of (Am)Lebanon (G)(Am)(G)
(F)Cedar, cypress and (E)olive
(Am)Build a box for a (G)boy who's coming home
(F)All the (G)wood of (Am)Lebanon (G)
(F)All the (G)wood of (Am)Lebanon (G)
(F)All the (G)wood of (Am)Lebanon (G)(Am)
We (G)work all night with(A)out it
(G)Con Ed gives us (A)heat and cool air (Bm)pretty well (Bm/A)
And (G)inspiration (A)filters down the (Bm)heavy skyway
Losing (A)all its prophecy
We de(G)clare our love by (A)streetlight
(G)One night rooms and (A)drugstores work out (Bm)pretty well (Bm/A)
And the (G)full moon fills the (A)hospitals and (Bm)precinct houses
Or so the (A)modern legends go (G)(A)
(D)Sailing to the (G)New (A)World
(D)Sailing to the (G)New (A)World
(D)Sailing to the (G)New (A)World
By the (G)light of a friendly (A)voice
Through the (G)heavens in the (A)bodies of the (Bm)thousand millions (A)here
The (G)North Star points to (A)Boston
But it's (G)easier to (A)follow signs to (Bm)95 (Bm/A)
And the (G)universe is (A)hid away like (Bm)all our other fears
But we don't (A)need to look that far (G)(A)
(D)Sailing to the (G)New (A)World
(D)Sailing to the (G)New (A)World
By the (G)light of a friendly (A)voice
Through the (G)heavens in the (A)bodies of the (Bm)thousand millions (A)here
(D)Sailing to the (G)New (A)World
(D)Sailing to the (G)New (A)World (G)(D)
And (C)know (G)it (C)
They know they will not (G)mend
And (C)all their broken (D)dreams
Go (G)farther than the (C)dreams they(Bm) never (Am)tried (D)
And they (C)won(G)der (C)
A child has less to (G)learn
And (C)all the things they (D)show us
Sur(G)prise us and live (C)on (Bm)inside(Am) us (D)
They (C)da(G)nce and (C)burn
The light is worth the (G)pain
The (C)light is worth the (D)pain
The (G)pain stops when the (C)flame (Bm)dies (Am)out (D)
They (C)sing even in (Em)darkness
They (C)sing (D)this (Em)song
They (C)sing (D)this (Em)song (C)(D)(G)
(Em)Singing songs of (Am)angel (Em)flights and (Am)silver traveling days
(F)Making all my (G)life sound like a (C)lark
(F)Trying to sing my (G)heart out
(F)Trying to make a (G)start now won't you
(C)Hang a rising (F)moon on this (G)sinking heart of (C)mine
(F)And lead my willful (C)sadness to its (G)rest
(F)Roll me o'er an (G)ocean where the (C)days ride deep be(F)low me
(C)And something that was (F)mine will be (G)mine a(C)gain
(Em)Pretending nothing's (Am)on my (Em)mind and (Am)nothing's up my sleeve
(F)But feeling I could (G)very nearly (C)touch you
Should I (F)take you without (G)warning
(F)Stay until the (G)morning comes, oh
(Em)It puts you in a (Am)woman's (Em)soul to (Am)wonder how you got there
(F)I guess I'll just take (G)all the time I (C)need
And I'll (F)kiss you when I (G)know you
(F)Find a way to (G)show you you can . . .
And the (F)townhouses were (G)poorhouses in(Am)side
And though the land was cherished for the (G)prospect and the (Am)park
(F)Poverty keeps (G)people's minds on (Am)other things
(F)The white tide rose, (G)the landlord made out (Am)very well
And the poorer blacks and colored followed (G)laws not made but (Am)found
(F)Resettling farther (G)out, or lower (Am)down
(G)Cries across the (Am)sea
(G)Oh So(Am)weto
(G)Quiet down the (Am)street
With the (F)roofers and the (G)supers and the (Am)parks corps
And the babies in their strollers with their (G)shiny plastic (Am)toys
(F)Have nannies all too (G)dark to be their (Am)mothers
The (F)living rooms burn (G)brightly with the (Am)evening news
And the pictures of South Africa look (G)alien and (Am)stark
(F)And Dow Jones figures (G)after the com(Am)mercials
(G)Cries across the (Am)sea
(G)Oh So(Am)weto
(G)Quiet down the (Am)street
Like (F)Capetown and Jo(G)hannesburg still (Am)do
(G)Stuyvesant and Chelsea sound A(Am)merican and freer
(G)From Vanderbilt to Boerum Hill, there (Am)are no Boers here
And New (G)Amsterdam is just a rather (Am)quaint name for a beer
(G)Cries across the (Am)sea
(G)Oh So(Am)weto
(G)Quiet down the (Am)street
Get the (C)message from the river, and you (G)bring the gift of peace
Get the message from the forest, and you're golden like the fall
Must be a (C)hundred times that I have heard this (G)call (D)
And I (G)know if I (C)find my own (G)way
That the (C)world will follow (G)behind
Like a (D)ship's trail in the (C)sea
Get the (C)promise from the (C/B)needle and you (G)won't be singing long
Get the promise from your lover and you can give it back again
But no (C)story ever (C/B)tells what happens (G)then (D)
Get the (C)word from sister (C/B)moon running (G)naked in the night
Get the word, get the word, get it any way you can
Oh (C)that's the only (C/B)thing I under(G)stand (D)
x33010 (play a regular C chord, but sneak your pinky behind on the 4th string to hit the 3rd fret)
C: x32010
C/B: x20010
C/A: x00010
C/G: 332010
D: x00232
Dsus4: x00233
(C)Hand-split into the (D*)belly of a woodstove
(C)It's just as (G)well, she'd say
(C)One more hole in the (D*)roof than she had (G)buckets for
And the (Em)house disappeared(Em*) in the (D)rush of '88 (Dsus4)
It was a (Em)flood of prospectors(Em*) and old (D)credit at the gate (Dsus4)
She (C)salvaged some rafters, (G)built herself a raft
And (C)floated on down the (D*)millbrook to Thread (G)City
(C)And cursing all the (D*)names of their fathers
(C)She took a (G)three-room flat
(C)Two flights up and (D)one block back of (G)Main Street
And the (Em)boys were dumb as dirt bikes(Em*)
But the (D)girl was sharp as glass (Dsus4)
Behind the (Em)Dunkin' Donuts counter(Em*)
Where all the (D)old men made their (Dsus4)passes
But her (C)mother told Linda she'd (G)see she got to college
But (C)Linda knew no one (D)ever gets out of Thread (G)City
In the (G)factories have (C)turned to stones
Foremen's houses (D)on the hill
(G)Dream of Queen (C)Victoria still (C)(C/B)(C/A)(C/G)(D)
In the (G)factories have (C)turned to stones
Haunted houses (D)on the hill
(G)Dream of Queen (C)Victoria still (C)(C/B)(C/A)(C/G)(D/)
(C)Thought he was in (D*)love with the working (C)class
And from his (G)room some nights
(C)She can barely (D)see the lights of Thread (G)City
But at (Em)home that spring(Em*) she (D)knew he'd never last (Dsus4)
It was the (Em)rebel flags on the bumpers(Em*)
And the (D)gun racks in the cabs (Dsus4)
And the (C)way that he'd shoot her that (G)sidelong look
When they (C)passed the Hotel (D*)Hooker in Thread (G)City
In the (G)factories have (C)turned to stones
Foremen's houses (D)on the hill
(G)Dream of Queen (C)Victoria still (C)(C/B)(C/A)(C/G)(D)
In the (G)factories have (C)turned to stones
Haunted houses (D)on the hill
(G)Dream of Queen (C)Victoria still (C)(C/B)(C/A)(C/G)(D)
In the (G)factories have (C)turned to stones
A/addA: I'm sure this isn't what it's called, but it's x02225 (you'll have to stretch your pinky to add the A note on the high E string).
Dsus2: x00230
Dusus4: x00233
The (D)first snow of the winter whispered (G)in the air
We (D)played in the street with strangers
(G)Jumped from swings in the park
(D)And later we threw off our clothes
(G)Smelling of wet wool and leather
(D)Shivered by the radiator
(G)Staring out the (A)window (Asus4)
(G)I counted (A)headlights, (D)you counted (G)tail-lights
(D)Red and white, (F#m)(G)streams of red and (A)white (Asus4)(A)(A/addA)
In the (G*)qu(G/F#)iet (G/E)of (G/D)the (A)night (Asus4)
In the (D)quiet of the night, in the (A)quiet of the night
In the (G*)qu(G/F#)iet (G/E)of (G/D)the (A)night (Asus4)(A)
Your (D)sister called from Maryland after (G)eleven
(D)My dad called eleven-thirty
We (G)made plans for the weekend
(D)And later you said you and Kay
(G)Were starting to feel closer now
(D)At least you were not fighting
How could (G)we make time to (A)see her? (Asus4)
(D)I held (A)you, (D)you held your (G)coffee
(D)And we talked, (F#m)(G)Lord, we (A)talked (Asus4)(A)(A/addA)
In the (G*)qu(G/F#)iet (G/E)of (G/D)the (A)night (Asus4)
In the (D)quiet of the night, in the (A)quiet of the night
In the (G*)qu(G/F#)iet (G/E)of (G/D)the (A)night (Ausus4)(A)
(D)You were in my arms (Dsus2)(Dsus4)
(G)You were in my arms, and I could hear the world outside
(D)Turning toward the morning (Dsus4)(Dsus2)(D)
Our (G)birch bodies (G/F#)rolling in the (A)dark (Asus4)
In the (G)rolling (G/F#)lover's (A)dark (Asus4)
In the (G)solemn (G/F#)lover's (A)dark (Asus4)
In the (G*)qu(G/F#)iet (G/E)of (G/D)the (A)night
In the (D)quiet of the night, in the (A)quiet of the night
In the (G*)qu(G/F#)iet (G/E)of (G/D)the (A)night (Asus4)
In the (G*)qu(G/F#)iet (G/E)of (G/D)the (A)night (Asus4)
Was the (G*)qu(G/F#)iet (G/E)of (G/D)the (A)night
D/GaddA: 300235
A7addA: x02035
A7: x02020
A7sus: x02030 . . . then just slide the figure up to:
A7whatever: x04050
There's a (DaddA)man who loves a (D/GaddA)woman for her (A7addA)mind
There's a (DaddA)man who loves a woman for the (D/GaddA)loving of a woman
(DaddA)One man loves a (D/GaddA)woman to be (A7addA)kind
And every thousand (A)miles takes us (D)further down the line
To (G)know the ways of (A)love you must (D)know the ways of (G)time (A7*)(A7*)
And a (DaddA)woman loves a (D/GaddA)man for what he's (A7addA)found
There's a (DaddA)woman loves a man cause it feels (D/GaddA)good to love a man
(DaddA)A woman loves a (D/GaddA)man just to (A7addA)keep him around
And every thousand (A)miles takes us (D)further down the line
To (G)know the ways of (A)love you must (D)know the ways of (G)time
And at (C)times we do grow (G)poor
And at (C)times we do grow (G)sick
With a (Em)longing for the (G)longings that we (A)had before
And the (DaddA)papers never (D/GaddA)speak of love at (A7addA)all
(DaddA)And when I lay my head down on your (D/GaddA)chest, I can hear your breathing
(DaddA)Tell of love that (D/GaddA)rises and that (A7addA)falls
And every thousand (A)miles takes us (D)further down the line
To (G)know the ways of (A)love you must (D)know the ways of (G)time
SNOW GRAIN STONE . . . Andrea Gaines
Ap(Am)proach so (C)hesitant(D)ly, (Am)touch so in(D)frequent(Am)ly
While the good (C)snow (D)courses (Am)down
Holds the hard (C)earth (D)gently and (E)long (Esus4)
(Am)Go(D) and (E)ask the (Am)snow (C)(D) . . . (Am)(E)(Esus4)
Stand (Am)firm so (C)hesitant(D)ly, (Am)stay so in(D)frequent(Am)ly
While the good (C)stones (D)all re(Am)main
Stable and (C)sure, change (D)slow with the (E)rain (Esus4)
(Am)Go(D) and (E)ask the (Am)stone (C)(D) . . . (Am)(C)(E)(Esus4)
Re(Am)joice so (C)hesitant(D)ly, we (Am)sing so in(D)frequent(Am)ly
While the good (C)grain (D)sways a(Am)long
Bends with the (C)wind, (D)gives her a (E)song (Esus4)
(Am)Go(D) and (E)ask the (Am)grain (C)(D)
(Am)Go(D) and (E)ask the (Am)grain (C)(D)
(Am)Go(D) . . . (Am)
The (Am)garden gold and (F)breathing
My (Am)lover at my (F)hand
Two (C)virgins in the (G)land
And (Am)angels on the (F)wing
Des(C)cending as they (G)sing
Rapha(Am)e(F)l (C)oh(G) Rapha(Am)e(F)l (C)(G)
To (Am)see my lover's (F)form
Who'd (Am)think a human (F)touch
Could (C)make an angel (G)blush
And (Am)you'd leave grudging(F)ly
As (C)if you envied (G)me
Rapha(Am)e(F)l (C)oh(G) Rapha(Am)e(F)l (C)(G)
For (Am)hours as we'd (F)walk
Your (Am)feet burned on the (F)hills
You (C)never had your (G)fill
Was it (Am)you who brought us (F)fire
On (C)your wings of de(G)sire
Rapha(Am)e(F)l (C)oh(G) Rapha(Am)e(F)l
(C)Oh(G) Rapha(Am)e(F)l (C)oh(G) Rapha(Am)el (F)(C)(G)
The (Am)vision would not (F)hold
(Am)Heaven closed its (F)doors
We never (C)see you any(G)more
And our (Am)voices fill the (F)air
Like a (C)table or a (G)chair
(Am)Raphael (F) (C)oh(G) Rapha(Am)el (F)(C)(G)
Of (Am)paradise re(F)membered
A (Am)certain shade of (F)blue
The (C)nakedness we (G)knew
And I (Am)wonder if you (F)keep
The feel of (Am)grass beneath your (F)feet
And when you (Am)seraphim em(F)brace
Now does the (C)blood rise in your (G)face
Rapha(Am)e(F)l (C)oh(G) Rapha(Am)e(F)l
(C)Oh(G) Rapha(Am)e(F)l (C)oh(G)(Am)(F)
(C)Rapha(G)el Rapha(Am)el (F)
(C)Oh Rapha(G)el Rapha(Am)el (F)
(C)Oh Rapha(G)el Rapha(Am)el (F)(Am)(F)
To come driving his white truck down my street a(Cadd9)gain
And the neighborhood (G)kids doing (Cadd9)skids on their (G)bicycles
(C)Over and (C/B)over a(D)gain (Dsus2)(Dsus4)(D)
Catch a (C)ride to the (C/B) Y and go (Am)pee in the (D)pool
(G)Waiting for the (D)Good Humor (Cadd9)man
(D)Waiting for the Good (G)Humor man (D)(Cadd9)
With his rock and roll haircut and his lazy girl(Cadd9)friend
Selling rockets on a (G)stick and (Cadd9)clicking out his (G)change
As if (Cadd9)nothing had (D)changed (Dsus2)(Dsus4)(D)
They would (D/F#)walk on the moon
And (C)nobody (C/B)cared how much (Am)money we (D)blew
(G)Waiting for the (D)Good Humor (Cadd9)man
(D)Waiting for the Good (G)Humor man (D)(Cadd9)
Alright (G)(D)(Cadd9)
They'd sing yeah yeah (G)yeah(D)(Cadd9)
In the dog days of summer when the cellar teams (Cadd9)win
And some go off to (G)war
And the (Cadd9)rest burn (G)down the store
And the (C)dream (C/B)grows (Am)dim (Am/G)(D)(Dsus2)(Dsus4)(D)
And the (D/F#)kitchen doors slam
And the (C)kids all turn (C/B)out with their (Am)quarters in their (D)hands (Dsus2)(Dsus4)(D)
Oh (G)waiting for the (D)Good Humor (Cadd9)man
(D)Waiting for the Good (G)Humor man (D)(Cadd9)
Oh (G)waiting for the (D)Good Humor (Cadd9)man
(D)Waiting for the Good (G)Humor man (D)(Cadd9)
I am (G)waiting (D)(Cadd9)
Oh I am (G)waiting (D)(Cadd9) . . . for the Good Humor (G)man (D)(Cadd9)(G)
(C)This is not an age of (D)miracles
(G)We don't believe any(D)thing they say
(C)We don't believe any(D)thing at all
(Em)But when De(D)cember comes and (C)grabs you by the (G)throat (G/F#)
(Em)Better look for (D)something burning (C)deep inside your (D)coat
From the top of this (C)mountain
I can see (G)Canaan
The blue of the (D)vineyard
And the gold of the (G)grain
Right across that (C)river
Candles (G)flicker
If I didn't know (D)better
(C)I'd call it a (G)dream (C) . . . (G)(C)
(C)And the walls of Jer(D)usalem
(G)Came tumbling down (D)long ago
(C)And they never got (D)built again
(Em)Will you stand in the (D)rubble where the (C)rocks and bullets (G)whine (G/F#)
(Em)Will you stand in the (D)garden, reach your (C)hand across the (D)line
(Em)In the (D)shadow of the Golan (C)Heights (D)
(Em)In the (D)fortress of Ma(C)sada (D)
(Em)Through (D)centuries of (C)night (D)
(Em)One (D)light was always (C)burning (D)
(Em)Even (D)when the fuel was (C)gone (D)
(Em)One (D)light was always (C)burning (D)
(G) (D)And the light burns (C)on (D)
Like my (Em7)father and my brother do
I can't (C)stand the constant traffic
On Belmont Ave(G)nue (D/F#)
Who ap(Em7)pear as if on cue
For a (C)small donation
They'll say the mourner's prayer for (G)you
But I (G)think if that were true
I'd (Am7)get along better
(D/F#)With the dead than I (G)do
Like my (Em7)father and my brother do
I can't (C)stand the constant traffic
On Belmont Ave(G)nue